News & Insights

Why You Can’t Count on Open Rates

Have you been happily watching your email open rates rise since September? Warning: I am about to burst your bubble. The reason may not be your prowess in writing can’t-miss-this subject lines. It's likely due to Apple’s new Mail Protection Privacy (MPP)...

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How to promote your video on social media

Social media is powered by video, and that’s why it’s an excellent way to promote video content that lives on your website. Here are seven tips to help drive traffic from your social channels to your web videos. Make it a teaser. Create a short cutdown of your...

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How long should my video be?

Viewers appreciate brevity. With that in mind, make your video only as long as it absolutely needs to be.The standard guideline is 1-3 minutes because our research shows viewership trails off by up to 80% after 3 minutes. That said, most videos lose a significant...

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