Olympic Choices

When it comes to the Olympics, I have to admit I consume the games much the same way I consume junk food.  I don’t have to have it, but if it’s there, I’m not going to pass it up.  And with these London games, accessibility to the coverage is virtually unlimited....

SEO – Where to Start?

Does your company regard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a key marketing strategy? Clients have long coveted the highest rankings for their keywords but have not regarded the cost to achieve those rankings as worth the effort.   Clients have looked for shortcuts...

The Secret to a Happy Interactive Project

I’ve been involved in hundreds of interactive projects, going all the way back to the early 90s. Many of those projects have been a true joy to work on. Some haven’t. A few have been downright painful for everyone involved. What separates the good from bad?...

The “Evolution” of Motion Picture Cameras

Motion Picture Camera technology has come a long way in the Century since it was first introduced, or has it? The early Pioneers like Edwin Porter, Auguste and Louis Lumière and Georges Méliès all started the magic with little strips of “Film” 35mm wide to tell their...

Our favorite tools to manage projects

People often ask us what are favorite tools for managing projects are. Here’s a rundown. Basecamp (www.basecamphq.com.) We use this indispensable online collaboration tool to manage nearly every project we do. It’s a central repository for project...