Personalized videos are a powerful tool that colleges use to attract new students and student-athletes. These videos are tailored to the individual viewer, providing them with only relevant data that corresponds to their particular situation. The use of personalized videos has been shown to increase conversion rates and reduce information overload, resulting in a measurable ROI 1.

According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), personalized videos have an 86% average click-through rate, compared to 34% for generic videos. Additionally, 93% of organizations using personalized videos experience an increase in conversion rates 1. These statistics demonstrate the effectiveness of personalized videos in attracting and retaining students.

Personalized videos can be used at various stages of the enrollment funnel. For example, prospect videos can be used to increase response rates, while on-demand inquiry response videos can increase application rates. Applicant videos can increase completion rates, and admitted student videos can increase conversion rates. Financial aid awards can also be communicated through personalized videos to increase yield, and deposited videos can limit melt 2.

To develop a comprehensive strategy for your institution that uses personalized video, it is important to consider the following steps:

  1. Identify your target audience: Determine the specific audience you want to reach with your personalized video. This could be prospective students, current students, alumni, or donors.
  2. Gather data: Collect data on your target audience, such as their interests, academic background, and extracurricular activities. This data can be obtained from your CRM or other sources.
  3. Develop a script: Use the data you have collected to develop a script for your personalized video. The script should be tailored to the individual viewer and provide them with only relevant information.
  4. Create the video: Work with Allied Pixel to create your personalized video. The video should be professionally produced and engaging, with captions and real-time viewership metrics.
  5. Distribute the video: Distribute your personalized video through various channels, such as email, social media, and your website. Make sure to track the performance of your video using on-demand metrics.

Personalized videos are a powerful tool that colleges use to attract and retain students. By tailoring videos to the individual viewer and providing them with only relevant data, colleges can increase conversion rates and reduce information overload. To develop a comprehensive strategy for your institution that uses personalized video, it is important to identify your target audience, gather data, develop a script, create the video, and distribute the video through various channels.
