Being social at 50

I’m a daily user of Facebook, and Twitter. I’m fairly religious about my checkins on Foursquare. And lately I’ve been initiating connections to every suggested connection I might have through LinkedIn. Google+ gets my attention at very random times....

Cloud Services: Are they Secure?

In my last post I talked about the reliability of cloud services and that I believed it was the right choice for Allied Pixel.  But what about security? Several days ago,’s homepage was unavailable for 49 minutes. Amazon Web Services, Amazon’s cloud...

CDN of Choice?

I’m loving Amazon Web Services (AWS)! When we got started in the streaming business a few years ago, we gravitated to Akamai as our CDN of choice. Akamai touted its edge network as the solution to optimized video delivery across the globe. We haven’t been disappointed...

Cloud Services: How reliable is reliable?

Hurricane Sandy brought the threat of downed power lines and flooding  to our area this past month.  While we fared pretty well compared to others along the New Jersey coast, we did lose power to our office.  We’ve lost power before, the most memorable being a...

SEO – Where to Start?

Does your company regard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a key marketing strategy? Clients have long coveted the highest rankings for their keywords but have not regarded the cost to achieve those rankings as worth the effort.   Clients have looked for shortcuts...