“Meet students where they are” may be the most quoted maxim in education, and for good reason. When the learning experience is customized to each student’s individual needs and interests, results improve.
That idea is central to Allied Pixel’s Data-Driven Personalized Videos, which respond directly to the needs and interests of each student.
Our latest Personalized Video product takes “meet students where they are” a step further because it also meets students when they are searching for specific information.
We call it Real-Time Personalized Web Videohttps://www.alliedpixel.com/personalized-video-for-higher-education/enrollment. Here’s an example of how it can turn a casual visit to a website into a powerful 1-to-1 marketing experience.
A high school student is browsing the Pacific Lutheran University website. A popup appears. It says, “Discover why PLU is right for you! Get a personalized video with content just for you in 30 seconds!”
Students click and the rest of the form appears. It looks simple, yet it is driven by highly sophisticated AI form technology developed by our partners at Halda. The form asks about their hopes for the college experience: What they want to study, the type of living situation they seek, which activities appeal to them. They click submit.
Immediately a video appears right there on the web page. Talk about instant gratification! The video welcomes them and presents a seamless story about the experience that awaits them at PLU – which perfectly matches the experience they envisioned as they completed the web form! View an example here.
PLU Dean of Admission Melody Ferguson is a fan:
“We love to find new ways to connect with high school students, so it was a no-brainer to try Real-Time Personalized Web Video. Our pilot showed a higher rate of students actually completing the form, and on the back end we could see they were the ones we want: juniors and seniors from the areas we target.”
— Melody Ferguson, Dean of Admission, Pacific Lutheran University
The pilot included an A/B test comparing a click-through to a PLU promotional video on YouTube. The result was a remarkable 170% increase in secondary actions by those who viewed the Real-Time Personalized Web Video.
Feedback from students was unanimously positive, including comments such as “This video got me more interested in the school” and “It really hit all the spots I needed to know about.”
The best way to learn if Real-Time Personalized Web Video is a good fit for your organization is to schedule a 30-minute call with us.

Meet CFO Rayce Rollins

An avid reader of John Grisham legal thrillers in high school, Rayce Rollins dreamt of becoming a lawyer. Then he took introductory accounting at Temple University. “I felt like Neo in The Matrix,” Rayce recalls. “I learned the source code for business profitability.” He majored in accounting, earned his MBA from St. Joseph’s University, landed a great first job, and quit six months later. “I always had an entrepreneurial mind and it was very difficult for me to stay in someone else’s system,” he explains.
His company, Financial GPS, employs people who specialize in every role from basic bookkeeping to high-level CFO services. It has evolved over 15 years from serving all kinds of businesses – “a big mistake caused by being a 22-year-old know-it-all” – to serving marketing firms like Allied Pixel. “I learned that specializing leads to higher quality through standardization and better unit economics,” he says. “It’s one of many lessons learned that I bring to clients.” As Allied Pixel CFO, Rayce is responsible for all financial functions. His deep understanding of numbers as “the language of business” enables him to add value by translating data into useful information for business leaders.
Apart from business, Rayce enjoys family time, travel, and chess. His wife Hanna started homeschooling their kids, freeing the family from elementary school schedules. They now split time between the US and overseas. Even Rayce’s “sport of choice” travels with him. “If anyone wants a shot at the online chess title (@rayceadam on chess.com), I am taking all comers,” he says with a grin. Shark alert: Rayce was a nationally ranked chess player in high school.
Welcome new clients!

Visit Us at 2024 AMA Symposium in Las Vegas
Allied Pixel will host an exhibit booth at the American Marketing Association’s Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education, to be held in Las Vegas over three days, November 10-13. The annual Symposium describes itself as “a nexus of ideas and creativity … shaping the future of higher education, fostering growth and ensuring vitality.” The conference typically draws more than 1,000 participants.
If you will be attending and want to book a time to talk with an Allied Pixel representative about our higher ed marketing solutions, email Tom Mikowski.
And that’s a wrap. As always, I love hearing from you. Please write me anytime.
Best regards,