Does size matter?

It’s an exciting time for consumers to purchase a camera, and now professionals have many choices of tools they can use for the job. One very welcoming trend is the new generation of smaller cameras that pack nearly as much punch as their full size brethren. As a...

The two things every video needs

What are the two most important elements of every video? There are a few things that are needed to make your piece stand out in the crowded sea of online video. Sure, cameras and the coolest, most up to date gear is fun and can make a big difference — but not if...

Visit us at, uh,

Has your recent search for a viable domain name been similar to Jack Donaghy’s of 30 Rock? I recently received an email from Google announcing that they were offering me a free domain as part of their new domain registrar service. My first reaction was, wow, a...

Find your influencers with Topsy

If you’re active in social media, you know that engagement is the name of the game. But how do you grow engagement? A few steps are obvious: (1) Take part in the conversation and (2) post compelling stuff. Beyond that, it’s very helpful to cultivate...

Why aren’t my keywords performing?

Keywords have been part of the website performance lexicon for years.  A website’s performance around select keywords has typically been explained by listing select keywords and identifying where a website ranks for a given keyword.  This relationship between...