Responsive Web Design: More Than a Buzzword

Responsive Web Design… It sounds pretty sexy. At least  from a web developer’s viewpoint it does… sexy, new, exciting. No doubt you’ve heard somebody mention it at some point in the last year as it’s becoming the “web 2.0” of...

Future Past, Meet Present.

While eating breakfast on location in  Washington DC last week, I was reading USA Today. An article mentioned that Google was wiring Kansas City with their own fiber system that would deliver Gig E  speed. That’s about 100 times faster than the current “fast cable”...

Olympic Choices

When it comes to the Olympics, I have to admit I consume the games much the same way I consume junk food.  I don’t have to have it, but if it’s there, I’m not going to pass it up.  And with these London games, accessibility to the coverage is virtually unlimited....

SEO – Where to Start?

Does your company regard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a key marketing strategy? Clients have long coveted the highest rankings for their keywords but have not regarded the cost to achieve those rankings as worth the effort.   Clients have looked for shortcuts...